Welcome to our special annual event that gives our community the opportunity to come together and celebrate our beloved maple syrup and the traditions that come with it. This event is open to all ages, members and non-members, Francophones and Francophiles.

This year, we are thrilled to announce that Collage Trad will be joining us. They are award-winning contemporary fiddlers from the West and “a musical melting pot of traditions with a touch of swing, a pinch of jazz, a pinch of rock and pure folk.” You can check out their website here to learn more about the trio.
In addition to the trio, we will be including a preview of Scènes d’érable, a multidisciplinary show that the association is launching this year. You can find out more about this project and how you can get involved here.
Saturday March 1st at 11:00
Pritchard Community Hall – 1714 Duck Range
Price for brunch – Adult: member = $15 / non-member = $20
Price for brunch – Child (under 10 years): member = $10 / non-member = $12