The concept : All Francophone and Francophilefrom our community (+6 years old) were invited to join the artist BAMBI for this painting workshop to create a collective mural that is now exhibited outside the Association francophone de Kamloops.
3 rendez-vous have been offered to the inhabitants to create the mural :
- Fri. May 14th, morning time : School workshop with the 3-4 grades class of Mrs Bournival, South Sahali (Immersion School)
- Fri, May 14th, from 3pm to 5:30pm : After-school session at AFK
- Sat, May 15th from 8:30 to 12:30 : Workshop at AFK stand, installed at the Kamloops Regional Farmers Market.
This event is organized with the financial support of the City of Kamloops and in partnership with the Kamloops Regional Farmers Market.
Discover the gorgeous work of this French-speaking artist who lives in Revelstoke (CB) on her website: TURBO BAMB
We were on radio and TV:
- Ven. 14 mai : Interview of Bambi in Boulevard du Pacifique, Radio-Canada. Listening HERE.
- Dim. 15 mai : Téléjournal de la Colombie-Britannique, Radio-Canada (starts at 21st minute). Watch HERE.
Some pictures of the event…
South-Sahali Element. School, 3-4 (immersion) South-Sahali Element. School, 3-4 (immersion) South-Sahali Element. School, 3-4 (immersion) After-school program, AFK Stand AFK, Kam. Reg. Farmers Market Stand AFK, Kam. Reg. Farmers Market Stand AFK, Kam. Reg. Farmers Market Stand AFK, Kam. Reg. Farmers Market Final result installed in front of the AFK