What’s cooking? – Qu’est-ce qu’on mijote ?
Join us for a cooking workshop on the last Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm
After 2 years online, it is finally time for our cooking workshop to get together IN PERSON! Fill in the form below to register for free. A week before each workshop, we’ll send you a grocery list so that you can contribute to the recipe, according to the number of participants. We’ll cook the recipe and eat the dish all together.
Keep an eye on this page, our social network pages or our monthly schedule to know the date and recipe of the following workshop. You can also propose one of your own recipes! Take a look at the recipes shared during previous sessions for inspiration.
Attention! No cooking workshop in May.
Next session : Tuesday, May 30 at 5:30pm
A chakchouka, chektchouka, tchoukchouka, tchouchkaka or tchoutchouka is a delicious, fragrant and colorful dish, made with bell peppers and eggs.
Sign up to discover the secret to making this delicious dish originating from the Maghreb.
And don’t forget to B.Y.O.B.!
Fill in the form below to register!